The law firm of Fulbright & Jaworski LLP made a major announcement via a press release on Wednesday morning. The firm announced...
Novak Druce + Quigg has made its move on Connolly Bove Lodge & Hutz and the two plan to be merged into...
Love is in the air — and it may be more than just talk when it is reported that Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw...
2011’s season of mergers continues into 2012, with the Washington based international law firm McKenna Long & Aldridge announcing on Tuesday their...
In an effort to create a new, large firm of over 800 lawyers, Howard Rice Nemerovski Canady Falk & Rabkin PC plans...
Law firms are continuing to merge in Ohio in 2011 and it appears that mergers will continue to happen throughout the end...
A former state senator and a former mayor are coming together to open up a large law firm office, Calfee, Halter &...
On October 13, 2011, Waller, Lansden Dortch and Davis, one of Nashville, Tennessee’s oldest law firms, announced that 19 extra attorney’s will...
On October 1st the Chicago law firm Lewis, Overbeck, & Furman was officially bought out by the larger Cleveland based law firm...
DLA Piper As we reported at the end of January, DLA Piper and Australian firm DLA Phillips Fox are preparing to upgrade their...
DLA Piper is set to become the world’s largest law firm by number of attorneys once its merger deal with DLA Phillips Fox ,...
The much awaited merger between Reed Smith LLP , a global law firm with over 1,600 lawyers, and Thompson & Knight LLP,...