Phelps Dunbar and Farris Bobango, two prominent law firms, have officially announced their merger, slated to commence on February 1st. The united...
In a significant move, Kansas City-based law firm Spencer Fane announced on Wednesday its merger with Snow Christensen & Martineau, a prominent...
In a strategic move to bolster its intellectual property (IP) capabilities, Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, a prominent U.S. law and lobbying firm,...
San Francisco-based Rimon Law firm announced a strategic merger with SilvermanAcampora, a prominent business law firm in Long Island, New York. This...
Kansas City-based Law Firm Enters California, Bolstering its Nationwide Presence Spencer Fane, a prominent U.S. law firm headquartered in Kansas City, has...
Fox Rothschild, a prominent U.S. law firm, has made a strategic move by welcoming all five lawyers from Aboyoun Dobbs, a New...
Dinsmore & Shohl, a distinguished U.S. law firm, has taken a strategic step towards expanding its footprint by establishing an Orlando office...
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan, a New York-founded law firm, and Nixon Peabody, a Boston-founded firm, have officially called off their negotiations...
Allen & Overy and Shearman & Sterling, two renowned global law firms, are targeting a mid-July vote by partners on a proposed...
Law firm mergers have been rapidly increasing in the United States this year, with several announced since the start of 2023. Detroit-based...
Smith, Gambrell & Russell, an Atlanta-based law firm, and Freeborn & Peters, a Chicago-based law firm, recently announced their plans to merge...
Dentons, a leading global law firm, has announced its combination with Paz Horowitz Abogados, an elite Ecuadorian law firm located in Ecuador’s...