Club 64, a marijuana club, was the second of its kind to open in the entire nation. Following the legislation that legalized pot smoking, which was codified as the 64 constitutional amendment, smoking marijuana is permissible at home. But not all homes are viable. Some local ordinances and landlord’s threats might make using the recreation drug difficult. Club 64 aims to relieve that problem.
The club does not sell pot. It’s a bring your own weed sort of getup, with a $29.99 admission price. They do provide Cheetos and Goldfish, which are their official snack after Colorado Gov. Jon Hickenlooper warned marijuana users the night of the vote “Don’t break out the Cheetos or Goldish too quickly.”
The club opened in time for New Years, opening at the inauspicious time of 4:20. In fact, it seems the club has so many symbols and codes and allusions they might as well be free masons. Well, not really.
“Look at this!” cried Chloe Villano upon the opening of her club. “We were so scared because we didn’t want it to be crazy. But this is crazy! People want this.”
And they truly must want it to pay $29.99 for each admittance. The club plans on meeting at different locations each month, sort of like a book club. This Monday they met at a hemp-based clothing store downtown.