Weird News

Catholic High School Student Barred from Prom for Being Dateless

A Catholic high school in Pennsylvania has a rule in place about its prom; if you do not have a…

Girlfriend Accidentally Shot During Wild Hog Hunt in Florida

A hunter in the state of Florida accidentally shot his girlfriend because he mistakenly thought that she was his intended…

Legally Brain Dead Woman Gives Birth to Twins

A 26-year-old woman from Michigan recently gave birth to twin boys after she was declared brain dead because of two…

Chinese Beekeeper Covers Body in 73 Pounds of Bees

Not everyone is deathly afraid of bees, or deathly allergic to them either, as one beekeeper in China was able…

Student in Missouri Forced to Sit in Own Diarrhea

A mother of a kindergarten student at Southwest School in Washburn, Missouri is livid after finding out that her daughter’s…

What’s the F–king Problem?

It's their name. The residents of F--king Austria are effing sick of English speakers copulating in front of their street…

Millennium Falcon Look Alike School Goes Viral

A long time ago at a High School in Allentown, Pa., architects made a school that is the spitting image…

Woman Posts on Craigslist Looking for Man Who Impregnated her

If you missed it on Craigslist last week, a woman posted a message looking for a man with a red…

King and Ballow Broken Into by Man on Rampage

Over the weekend, a man in Nashville decided to go on a rampage, using a local law office’s desk as…

German Man Flees Woman Who Demanded Too Much Sex

Hey, everyone has had this experience before right? You have to run to the police because your female acquaintance is…

6-year old Dies in Wood Chipper, Town Grieves Together

At 8:45 a.m. Tuesday morning, 6-year-old Jeffrey Bourgeois accidentally fell into his father’s wood chipper and died. Now the entire…

In Texas; a Nude Maid Service Offers Shows and Cleaning

A conservative town in Texas has its authorities keeping a close eye on a maid service that offers nude services…