Law Life

Thoughtless Thursday

Hey Everyone! I hope your weeks are all going well! Yesterday I had my first exam, and I have my…

WIAW–Study Time

Hey Everyone! It’s Wednesday! That means another What I Ate Wednesday! It also means that my first final is at…

May Goals

Can you believe it?! It’s MAY. MAY. Seriously!?!? I have 5 days left of school and then my second year…

CARA Lakefront 10 Miler Recap

Happy Monday everyone! Today is an AMAZING Monday for me! Why you ask? Because I have NO CLASSES! All I…

Best Body Bootcamp–Final Review

Hey Everyone! I hope your weekends are all going well! Mine’s been pretty busy over here! Yesterday I had my…

10 Miler Prepping!

Hey everyone! By the time you all read this I am probably running my 10 mile race, or done with…

I Wonder if They Stayed…

Hey Everyone! Guess what? You made it to Friday! Congrats! I think each and every one of you deserves one…

Thursday Thoughts and a Book Thief

Hey everyone!!! How’s your week going? I’m getting pretty pumped up because tomorrow is my last day of class! Yes……

WIAW–Long Run Day!

Hey everyone! We’ve made it to Wednesday! This week for What I Ate Wednesday I decided to switch things up…

Running Music

Hey everyone! How was your Monday? Mine was, well, better than it usually is, mostly because I kept trying to…

The Best Monday Ever

Anyone want to take a guess at why today is the best Monday ever? Most of you know I don’t…


Hey everyone! How’s the weekend going? Per usual, I can’t believe it’s already Sunday! Seriously, where does the weekend go?!?…