Categories: Law Life

WIAW–Long Run Day!

Hey everyone! We’ve made it to Wednesday! This week for What I Ate Wednesday I decided to switch things up a bit and show you what I ate on Saturday, the day I went on my gorgeous nine mile run! I’ve done this once before, but I thought it would be a nice change from my normal weekday food!

If you are new to WIAW, head over to Peas and Crayons to check it all out! You can also see the other blogs who participate, and check out their WIAW posts!

This month’s theme is an “Extra Cup of Veggies” which didn’t go over toooo well on my long run day, but I definitely got some veggies in!

I woke up and after some coffee and water I made myself my pre-run fuel: 1 slice of Udi’s bread with Peanut Butter & Co Mighty Maple PB and half a banana:

During my run I had some Jelly Belly sports beans! I didn’t think to take a picture, but they can be fun for long runs because they are like eating candy! I think to myself, in just a mile you can eat your jelly beans! Haha. They aren’t something I’d use during a race though because they take some time to chew and I really feel like I need water with them. GU gels are still my go-to race fuel!

When I got back I drank plenty of water and then although I wasn’t too hungry, I knew I needed to get some protein and carbs in me for my muscle recovery, so I made up this breakfast # 2 and ate it slowly while I did some work. It included plain Greek yogurt with vanilla and stevia mixed in, some PB 2 powder, and half a sweet potato.

Later that afternoon I was feeling hungry again, but not super hungry, so I cooked an egg, over easy, and served it with sliced avocado, ketchup and “creamed spinach”. For the creamed spinach I just cook down some spinach in a splash of almond milk, and then add some nutritional yeast to the mix.

I also had an afternoon of some popcorn in a bag! Thanks to many of your suggestions, I’m finally getting the hang of this! I put a little less than 3 T of popcorn kernels in a lunch sized brown bag and fold down the top a few times. I’m still working on getting the right time for my microwave so that it doesn’t burn.

Again, I wasn’t super hungry for dinner so I decided to make a veggie pizza! However, after I started making it, I realized I had no cheese… Oops. I made it on a brown rice tortilla and added marinara sauce and sliced zucchini.

Just noticed my foot in that picture… I ended up dipping it in this hummus! Sadly when I bought it I didn’t realize it was “fat free” so the taste was kind of off… but it worked!

A little later I was ready for my dessert! I had some (okay the whole pint) of Arctic Zero “frozen yogurt.” The whole pint is only 150 calories and it has a lot of protein! Love this stuff. I made some PB2 sauce to put on it, and had some of the candies I picked up at whole foods! I love dark  chocolate covered almonds!!!

There you go! My eats from a long run day! I’ve noticed that I’m usually not super hungry after a run and I tend to eat lots of small meals, which works well for me! Like I mentioned last WIAW, I love frequent small meals rather than 3 square meals a day!

Do you have a favorite pre or post workout meal/snack?

What is your favorite chocolate-covered treat?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.