Categories: Law Life

I Wonder if They Stayed…

Hey Everyone! Guess what? You made it to Friday! Congrats!

I think each and every one of you deserves one of these:

No, no. Your eyes are not deceiving you. That is a rainbow cake in a jar. You think oats in a jar are cool? Um this is so neat!!!! People are so creative on pinterest… Unfortunately, I do not have the time or resources to make and send them all out. So you might have to ask someone else…

Yesterday I had a couple interesting things happen. First, I discovered one of the perils of traveling through downtown Chicago:

Yes. I was late to class. Only by a minute though!

Secondly, I realized I hadn’t used my free Fro-yo last week! I kept putting it off hoping to go with someone, but then I realized that the new week began today (Friday) so I just HAD to go use it. Here’s my froyo after digging in:

Lessons learned? Don’t get flavors you “think you remember liking” last time you tried them… Key lime pie? YUCK. I ate around it and tossed it… Never making that mistake again.

Also, this whole free froyo thing is WAY more official than I anticipated. When I handed the cashier the card she looked really confused and called over her manager. He (with his mohawk) got very excited, and pulled out a binder from beneath the counter! He gave me a form to sign my name on with my official number and then marked that week off. Every time I go in now, I have to show them my ID, they match it to the number on my card, and mark me off for coming in that week in the binder. REALLY!?!? Haha these people take their frozen yogurt very seriously.

Another fun thing? Looking at my blog statistics when I’m bored. No, I’m not obsessing over my pageviews, but I do LOVE numbers. I’m a freak. However, one of my favorite things to look at are search terms…

When I look at the statistics on my blog, one thing that wordpress shows me are the search terms that people used and ended up finding my blog. Most of them are pretty normal, like “peace love oats” or asking about certain oatmeal recipes or fitness things. However, some of them are pretty weird… Like really weird.

I often wonder how these searches lead them to my blog, and most of all, did they take a look around? Did they keep reading? I will never know. But I will share with you some of the funny search terms that have been used:

– Fit asian girl legs
– real snoopy
– love balls insert pic
<—not even sure where they were going with this…
– bat dog picture homeward bound
– shut the front doorr shoes
<—No, I did not spell that incorrectly, their spelling…
– budlight decorations
– i decided to go with my friends camping in the forest
– chopped my hair off
– no soup for you
– how to say crepe
<—Maybe google heard I took French growing up?
– cartoon food clip art that has faces

And I leave you with this image that I saw on Running Around Normal yesterday (I died laughing when I read this):

(yes, it’s a Hunger Games joke)

What do you think of the random search terms? Are you one of the people who found me that way? Haha

What are the best and worst frozen yogurt flavors you’ve ever tried?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.