
Oregon Decriminalizes Drug Possession

Summary: Oregon is the latest state to take steps towards decriminalizing drug possession for first-time offenders. Oregon is updating its…

Detroit Doctor Accused of Performing Female Genital Mutilation Surgeries

Summary: A Detroit physician has been charged with performing female genital mutilation surgeries on a number of girls aged six…

Woman Rapes Taxi Driver Then Steals $32 from Victim

Summary: An Ohio woman and two men called a taxi to pick them up then proceeded to hold the driver…

California Charges Anti-Abortion Activists with Felonies

Summary: The two activists responsible for secretly recording those involved in abortions performed at Planned Parenthood are facing felony charges…

Woman Uses 911 for Transport to Seven Different Hospitals in an Effort to Obtain Pain Pills

Summary: A Florida woman turned to 911 in a pain pill scheme to receive transport to seven different hospitals within…

Montgomery Attorney Accused of Raping Client

Summary: A Montgomery County defense lawyer is on trial for raping his client nearly two years ago when he was…

Sisters Battle Over a Christmas Weave

Summary: A scuffle ensued inside a Jacksonville, Florida apartment between pregnant sisters over a weave given as a gift. After…

Illinois Woman Tries to Steal 31 Trojan Boxes

Summary: Don’t follow this woman’s example and think you can successfully swipe 31 boxes of condoms from a store. An…

State Department Employee Makes Deal in Child Porn Case

Summary: A Department of State diplomatic security officer who has been on the FBI’s watch list for over five years…

Porn Actress Pleas Guilty to Child Abuse

Summary: After supplying underage girls to a drug- and alcohol-filled sex party, porn star Bianca Byndloss made a plea deal…

Gay Porn Star/Escort Convicted of Extorting Wealthy Client

Summary: A porn star that also worked as an escort attempted to extort millions from a wealthy businessman to keep quiet…

“Man Bun” Gives Man Away to Cops

Summary: Even with a covered face, one Florida man fashioned a “man bun” that made him still recognizable to police.…