Legal News

Hot Chick Plan Causes Lawsuit and Complaint with EEOC

A restaurant is facing a lawsuit after a bartender supposedly said that he was replaced by a plan to hire…

Giant Man in North Korea Attends Funeral

There was only one person who stood out at the funeral for Kim Jong Il and it was one of…

Madison County Teachers Receive Bonuses

The Madison County Board of Supervisors has agreed to issue two extra paid vacation days to all other county employees…

New Richard Nixon Book Claims Gay Affair

A new book by a former White House correspondent reveals that Watergate was only one of a couple scandalous aspects…

Occupy Wall Street Protests Intensify at Campaign Headquarters; Many Arrested

Five Occupy Wall Street protesters were arrested yesterday outside the Iowa campaign headquarters of presidential contender Ron Paul as the…

Federal Appeals Court Rules Telecommunications Companies Have Legal Immunity in Connection with NSA Program

In recent days, a federal appeals court ruled that a 2008 law granting telecommunications companies legal immunity for helping the…

City Holiday Bonuses Defended by Mayor

Fort Pierce mayor Bob Benton has defended the city when it comes to handing out holiday bonuses to its employees…

Supreme Leader of North Korea Declared

Kim Jong Un has been declared the supreme leader of North Korea by the country’s power brokers. The proclamation was…

Chicago Man Killed by Train held Liable for Injuries

An appeals court in Illinois has ruled that a man killed by a train while he crossed the tracks can…

Woman Arrested for Punching Walmart Employee

Holiday and post-holiday sales can be a steal because they are so affordable, but they really are not worth spending…

Jenner Block Earns Major Pro Bono Victory; 12,000 Hours Spent on Latest Trial

In recent weeks, a panel of Illinois appeals court judges reversed Juan Rivera's 1993 conviction for raping and murdering 11-year-old…

Reading, PA, Police Receive Bonuses

The city of Reading, Pennsylvania is experiencing a classic example of unintended consequences, according to city officials. There are 200…