Breaking News

Jonathan Simpson Leaves Hunton & Williams for Hong Kong

Jonathan Simpson, who previously worked at Paul Hastings, has decided to leave Hunton & Williams to become the CEO of…

Cruise Ship Passengers Robbed in Mexico

When a cruise ship operated by Carnival Cruise Lines docked at the Mexico resort of Puerto Vallarta, 22 of the…

David Albo, State Delegate, Says his Transvaginal Bill Cost Him Vaginal Access

State Del. David Albo, a Republican from Fairfax Station, addressed the House of Delegates in a stand up routine about…

2012 Oscar Winners

The annual Academy Awards were held on Sunday night in California and there is plenty to talk about from the…

King of Spain’s Son-in-Law Faces Corruption Trial – The Public Jeers

Inaki Urdangarin, the Duke of Palma, son-in-law of Spain’s popular King Juan Carlos, stands accused of misusing a portion of…

Virginia Governor Changes Ultrasound Bill Over 4th Amendment Concerns

Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell said on Friday that he believes the mandatory ultrasound bill could cause concerns over 4th Amendment…

Battle Over Treasure Ship Ends: 17 tons of Bullion worth 370 Million Euros Leaves for Spain

The U.S. courts have refuted the notion that finders are inevitably the keepers of salvaged treasure. Odyssey Marine Exploration, an…

Amazing Zero Gravity Rollercoaster

Can you think about the most amazing rollercoaster you have ever experienced? If so, multiply that by a thousand because…

Dad Who Let Daughter Drive Home Gets Probation

The Detroit driver who was caught on camera talking about how well his 9 year old daughter drives has been…

The Web Cam Spying Case

The statement made during the trial for a former student of Rutgers, who has been accused of using a webcam…

Step-Mom and Grandmother Force Step-Daughter to Run to Her Death

Savannah Hardin, a 9 year old girl, recently passed away after her stepmom and grandmother made her run for hours…

Lawyer Goes to Trial over Cell Phone Incident

A judge for the Cook County Circuit Court has reported that a lawyer go to trial for bringing a mobile…