Breaking News

Vaginal Tombstone Etching

Milan Marinkovic, a resident of Belgrade, Serbia, honored his wife, Milena, who died three years ago, with a tombstone etching…

Hurricane Sandy Bashes the East Coast

Hurricane Sandy has managed to harness all the contingencies to make "the perfect storm." After moving inland it is excepted…

Mitt Romney Wants Federal Emergency Management Agency Shut Down

With Hurricane Sandy bearing down on the East Coast, many are considering how the events relate to presidential candidate Mitt…

New Obama Ad Compares First Vote to Losing Virginity

There is a new campaign ad from President Barack Obama out that features Lena Dunham, the creator of the HBO…

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell Offers Obama Endorsement

On Thursday, President Barack Obama received an endorsement for a second term in the White House by former Secretary of…

Mid-Atlantic States in Danger of Major Hybrid Storm Led by Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy is slowly making its way up the East Coast and could merge with a winter storm and arctic…

Shark Found Thrashing on Golf Course

Some golfer at San Juan Hills Golf Club must have scored an Eagle, as no birdie could have left what…

Obama Discusses Latino Voters in Des Moines Register Interview

On Tuesday, President Barack Obama spoke with the publisher and editor of the Des Moines Register, thinking that the discussion…

Gloria Allred’s “October Surprise,” a lot of Old News

Like Donald Trump, in his dealing to make Obama's college transcripts public, Gloria Allred, with her "October Surprise," is surprising…

Trump’s “Gigantic” Announcement: $5M Offer to the President in Exchange for President’s College and Passport Records

When Donald Trump advertised his announcement for Wednesday, he called it "bordering on the gigantic," and that it could "possibly"…

Ann Coulter Calls Obama a “Retard”

On Monday night, Ann Coulter, who has not shied away from the spotlight recently, decided to call President Barack Obama…

Indiana Senate Candidate Richard Mourdock Issues Abortion Comments

The topic of abortion has come up once again, this time comments were made by Richard Mourdock, a GOP U.S.…