Gloria Allred’s “October Surprise,” a lot of Old News

Like Donald Trump, in his dealing to make Obama’s college transcripts public, Gloria Allred, with her “October Surprise,” is surprising us with old news. Publicity-seeking Allred wants to unseal testimony the presidential candidate Mitt Romney gave at a divorce case between one of his biggest supporters — Tom Stemberg — and his wife, Maureen Stemberg Sullivan.

Evidently, that divorce had been ugly and drawn out, and TMZ has learned that Maureen and Allred were going to court to lift a gag order over the court documents first thing Wednesday morning. Indeed, they appeared to do just that.

Maureen had received 500,000 shares in Staples as part of her settlement, but sold half of them before the company went public.

Romney gave a deposition in the divorce and testified in the trial, which led a tipster to the Boston Globe to suggest there was “juicy information about Romney,” in the transcript.

Gossip being what gossip is, we’re being distracted from anything of true political importance, and as Romney’s lawyer Robert Jones said, “This is a decades-old divorce case in which Mitt Romney provided testimony as to the value of the company. He has no objection to letting the public see that testimony.”

President Obama once refereed to Donald Trump as a “circus barker,” and so he is in this media circus, with Gloria Allred as the clown.

Daniel June: Daniel June studied English literature at Michigan State University, graduating in 2003. Working a potpourri of jobs since, from cake-decorator to proofreader, his passion has always been writing, resulting in books of essays, novels, and children’s novellas.