Jim Vassallo

Halle Berry Not Engaged?

In an update to a story we first brought you yesterday, Halle Berry is not officially engaged after all. The…

Casey Anthony Claims She Became Pregnant with Caylee While Passed Out at Party

A psychiatrist was told by Casey Anthony that she became pregnant with Caylee after she passed out at a party…

Co-Founder of Facebook, Chris Hughes, Could Buy The New Republic

The co-founder of Facebook, Chris Hughes, is reportedly a candidate to purchase the New Republic. No deal has been reached…

New TD Ameritrade Ad Gets Personal with Actress

One of the new TD Ameritrade advertisements aired the other day and it is half animated and half true life.…

Caller Asks C-SPAN Guest about Romney’s Penis

A prank caller asked New Hampshire Republican Party Chairman Wayne MacDonald on C-SPAN yesterday whether Mitt Romney had a large…

Dechert 2011 Year-End Bonus Information Released

Dechert announced shortly after Christmas that it was issuing end of year bonuses for 2011. The firm is paying a…

Fox 29 Philadelphia Fires Weatherman over Real-Life ‘Hangover’ Story

Meteorologist John Bolaris, from Fox 29 in Philadelphia, is a bar-crawling man who has been described by some as a…

New Dean of Law School in Texas is Veteran Judge

The long-stalled plans for the University of North Texas Dallas College of the Law have been out back into motion.…

Gay Hotel in NYC Has Secrets it Wants to Tell

Manhattan’s new gay hotel, The Out NYC, is going to be dirty. We assume the staff will be young, all…

Father of Natalee Holloway Requests she be Declared Dead

It will be decided on Thursday by an Alabama judge whether to declare Natalee Holloway dead. The decision is scheduled…

Halle Berry Engaged to French Actor

Halle Berry is engaged and the man who won her over is a French actor. That man is known as…

Joran van der Sloot Waiting to be Sentenced for Peruvian Murder

Joran van der Sloot, the man accused of murdering United States teenager Natalee Holloway has pleaded guilty to the murder…