8 Year Old Hero Saves Family in Fire

8-year-old Tyler J. Doohan was killed Monday in a mobile-home fire in upstate New York. According to CNN, The fire happened early, but the 8 year old child had been attempting to rescue a disabled relative, Steve Smith. While many of his relatives were inside the burning trailer, Tyler thought to rescue them and was not able to make it out of the mobile home in time. His grandfather, Lou Beach, was also killed in the fire.

“In bravely and selflessly giving his own life, he was able to save the lives of six others — and he truly is a hero.” This is the statement that was released by Richard Stutzman Jr., interim superintendent of the East Rochester School District, where Tyler attended fourth grade.

Tyler Doohan, of East Rochester, was able to wake six other people in the small trailer, including two more children, ages 4 and 6, stated Fire Chief Chris Ebmeyer. Tyler alerted his family that there was a fire. Chris Ebmeyer reported that the trailer had no working smoke detector.

Smoke detectors that are properly installed and maintained play an important role in the reduction of fire deaths and injuries. Having a working smoke alarm cuts the chances of dying in a reported fire in half. Almost two-thirds of home related fire deaths in 2005-2009 resulted from fires in homes with no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms, as reported by the National Fire Protection Association. For information about job employment opportunities with the National Fire Protection Association, readers can click here.

Image Credit: www.naplesnews.com
