Summary: An elderly Virginia man attacked his wife with an ax and then turned on himself with a chainsaw. A Virginia man...
Summary: A newlywed bride pulled a gun on her new husband during an alcohol-fueled argument just hours after their wedding. Happily...
Summary: ISIS is trying something new in their magazine with an article focused on telling husbands and wives to keep marriage issues...
Summary: A 76-year-old newlywed was angry at his wife for not consummating their marriage after six months so he threatened his wife...
Summary: The widow of Orlando nightclub shooter Omar Mateen has been charged with supporting her husband in his attack, bringing with it...
Summary: Prominent Atlanta attorney Claud “Tex†Lee McIver was charged in the shooting death of his wife in their car. Atlanta attorney...
Summary: No one enjoys their significant other stinking up the bed, but one woman took things too far when her husband continued...