the happy lawyer

A Survey of My Life Right Now from A to Z

Summary: Here is what is happening in my life right now, from A to Z. A - Age: 27 B…

5 Types of Planks That Will Work Out Your Whole Body

Summary: Planks are a GREAT way to get both a core workout and a full body workout without any equipment.…

My Favorite Quotes from Pinterest

Summary: Today I wanted to share some of my new favorite quotes. Perhaps you’ll see one that you really needed…

3 Ways to Find Music for Running

Summary: To find the music I love for runs, here are the places I look. I’m not a big “music…

2015 Summer Fashion Ideas

Summary: Here are some of my favorite summer fashion finds from Pinterest for 2015! It’s no surprise that I love…

What’s Happening in My Life in June This Week

Summary: Here’s a look into my life in the last week in June. A look into my life, currently: Current…

5 Tips to Control Sugar Cravings

Summary: I could eat candy and sweets until I’m ill. So how do I avoid them? Today I’m going to…

Fourth of July Fashion Ideas

Summary: I decided to do a little searching around this year and come up with some clothing ideas that are…

10 Ways to Practice Self-Love

Summary: Sometimes you just need to relax and give yourself a break from the stress you face on a daily…

Book Review: Inamorata

Summary: My last book review was all business/personal development, so today I’m going to mix it up by choosing a…

My Travel Bucket List: 10 Places You Should Definitely Visit During Your Lifetime

Summary: I decided to come up with a 10-item bucket list to share in case you need some inspiration to…

When is the Right Time to Buy New Shoes?

Summary: Before I became a runner, I would wear a pair of running shoes (or tennis shoes, as I call…