
Facebook Hits 1 Billion Monthly Users

On Thursday, Facebook announced that it reached the 1 billion mark for users last month. The company is headquartered in…

Facebook is Scanning your Chats for Criminal Activity

Is it okay that we are being monitored for our own good? Would our grandparents and great grandparents be comfortable…

Facebook Gestures a Purchase of Opera and Inspires their Stock To Jump 26 Percent

There have been rumors going around starting last week that Facebook is seeking to purchase Opera Software -- Opera is…

What is Facebook’s Value?

In the first quarter, the growth rate for Facebook was at 45 percent year over year, which is a decrease…

Facebook Enters the Market at $38 a Share and Rising

The introduction of Facebook (FB) to the stock market was not too shabby. It seems the online community website has…

Co-Founder of Facebook Renounces U.S. Citizenship

The co-founder of Facebook, Eduardo Saverin, has decided to renounce his U.S. citizenship, a move that could potentially save Saverin…

Facebook Shareholders Hope to Sell More Shares

Facebook is making waves once again and the new waves deal with the IPO and the shares being sold. Facebook…

IPO of Facebook Already Oversubscribed

A source close to the share listing for Facebook Inc’s public offering has said that it is already oversubscribed. This…

Facebook Purchases Instagram

It was announced on Monday that Facebook has purchased the photo-sharing company called Instagram. Instagram is only two-years-old and is…

Judge Moves Facebook Case Forward

A judge has moved against granting access of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerman’s computer to a man who claims he owns…

Employers have Been Asking Applicants to Give Their Facebook Passwords: Senators Respond

The statistician Justin Bassett was asked during his application process to give up his Facebook name and password, apparently so…

Girl Dies After Posting ‘Facebooking and Driving Not Safe’

An 18-year-old college student, Taylor Sauer, knew how unsafe posting to Facebook was while driving her vehicle. In fact, Sauer…