
Publishers in Apple E-Book Price-Fixing Case Object to Restrictions on Apple

On Wednesday, the five largest book publishers in the US filed a motion in the US District Court in Manhattan,…

Obama Administration Uses Presidential Power to Prevent Sales Ban on Apple

On Saturday, in an extremely rare move, the Obama administration used the President’s power to stop the implementation of a…

U.S. and 33 States File Game-Changing Proposal against Apple

On Friday, the U.S. Department of Justice was joined by 33 states in a proposal for a court order that…

Access to Porn Through Apple Devices Ruined Man’s Life

A weird, wild, and unwieldy lawsuit filed in federal court accuses Apple of providing unfettered access to pornography, the ills…

Apple Suffers Defeat in E-Book Price Fixing Case

On Wednesday, a federal judge ruled that Apple was guilty of having colluded with five major U.S. book publishers to…

Apple Claims the Government Made up to 5,000 Requests for Data in 6 Months

Companies like Apple have been eager for the government to grant them permission to reveal information on how they handle…

Apple to Introduce Bigger Screens on iPhones, Multiple Colors, Cheaper Models

It is perhaps a sign of decline when a major company loses the lead and starts to imitate its competition.…

USITC Slaps Import Ban on AT&T Models of Apple’s iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPAD 3G

On Tuesday, the US International Trade Commission slapped a limited import ban and a cease-and-desist order on AT&T models of…

Apple Goes to Trial over Allegations of E-Book Price Fixing

Apple Inc is set to face trial on Monday over allegations brought by federal and state authorities involving conspiracy with…

ITC Judge Rules Samsung Infringed Apple’s Text Selection Feature

On Thursday, a redacted version of an ITC ruling issued on Mach 26 was made public. The ruling observed that…

Apple Tenders Apology in China to Regain Bon Homie

In a move rare for a company of the size of Apple, the company apologized to Chinese consumers on Monday…

Chinese Regulator Goes after Apple

While Apple has been continually praising China and going all out in its efforts to woo Chinese customers, it seems…