Legal News

New York Bar Denies Applicant Based on Large Student Loans

An aspiring lawyer who has racked up excessive student loans has been denied admission to the New York Bar based…

Rothstein Disbarment Official

In an update to this story, Scott Rothstein, the Florida lawyer accused of running a massive ponzi scheme, has been…

Roman Polanski Granted Bail

Director Roman Polanski, who is being held in a Swiss jail pending extradition to the United States, has been granted…

Howard Rice Loses Four Partners

Four partners from Howard Rice's business department have left or are leaving the firm. The chair of the department, Deborah…

South Carolina Hires Impeachment Lawyer

With the state legislature considering bringing impeachment charges against Governor Mark Sanford, the state has retained Ross Garber, a partner…

Breakin’ the law! – Part 2

You would think with his popularity dropping and his state in an economic shambles, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger would be…

Scott Rothstein Requests Disbarment

Bowing to the inevitable, Scott Rothstein has formally requested his own permanent disbarment. The south Florida lawyer whose firm has…

Musings on a Slow Day

Unless you've been living in a cave, you know by now that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will be tried in New…

Judge Holds Army Responsbile for Katrina Flooding in New Orleans

The flooding of the lower 9th ward of Louisiana and the neighboring St. Bernard Parish was a man made disaster…

Filibuster on Hamilton is Over

The Senate voted on a cloture motion yesterday, ending debate on the appointment of Judge David Hamilton to the 7th…

Changing of the Guard at the ABA

Henry White has resigned as the executive director of the American Bar Association. R. Thomas Howell, the organization's general counsel,…

Court Denies Government Security to Blackwater Defense Team

In an update to this story a court in Washington DC has ruled that the defense team representing a group…