Legal News

4,000 New Legal Jobs Added in July

There is some good news for the legal industry, as it was able to add 4,000 new jobs in the…

30 Books that Should be Read by Every Lawyer

30 Lawyers basically pick 30 books that they think every lawyer in our country should read before they retire. The…

Obama Repeals ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ Military Policy

President Obama has officially resumed the policy of allowing the gays to serve openly in the military by officially signing…

Music File-sharing Case Verdict Gets Reduced from $1.5 Million to $54,000

The article is about a music file sharing case in court. It describes the case and reports that the jury…

Nonresident Employees Who Work in California are Still Subject to California Overtime Laws

A group of Arizona and Colorado employees who travel to California were not paid for their overtime work as California…

Budget Cuts Cause Collapse of Civil Justice System in San Francisco

San Francisco courts are forced to reduce their employees more than 40 percent due to the state budget cuts. This…

Transitional National Council Receives Recognition from US, Which Will Cause Gadhafi’s Funds to be Unfrozen

The Transitional National Council has been recognized as the government of Libya by the USA, unfreezing funds that are needed…

Technology is Expected in the Courtroom by Witnesses and Juries

Theresa Canady is an energetic lawyer in the courtroom. She says, "It is exhilarating" and pleasurable to explain things in…

Juror from Casey Anthony Case Quits Job and is Going into Hiding

A juror in the Casey Anthony murder trial has quit her job and is in hiding because she's scared to…

GM faces potential lawsuit over preferential treatment towards police cars

GM is now facing a potential class action lawsuit for alleged preferential treatment for police cars. Donna Trusky of Pennsylvania…

ACLU challenges Alabama’s HB-56 on 4th Amendment grounds

The controversial Alabama Law, HB-56 violates the Fourth Amendment of Federal Law by subjecting U.S citizens and non-citizens who are…

International Law was Violated When Mexico National was Executed in Texas

Humberto Leal Garcia a Mexican national who was sentenced and convicted for murder was eventually convicted in Texas on 7…