Jim Vassallo

Lukoil Gas Stations Post $8 Per Gallon for Gas in Protest

In New Jersey and Pennsylvania, over 50 Lukoil gas stations jacked up their prices to over $8 per gallon as…

Lawsuits Filed in US Courts Against Carnival and Costa Concordia

Hundreds of passengers from the Costa Concordia and close to 1,000 businesses from the island where the ship ran aground…

Penn States Signs Agreement with Dubai Judicial Institute

Announced this week, Pennsylvania State University's Dickinson School of Law will begin a collaboration with the Dubai Judicial Institute. The…

Reports Finds 18 of 20 Largest Firms in Dallas Do Poorly with Diversity Recruiting

A report released by the Dallas Diversity Task Force has rated the 20 largest law firms in Dallas in terms…

Kirstie Alley Backs Scientology and Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise has been shed in an unfair light since his divorce from Katie Holmes on June 29 because of…

US Census Bureau Says Poverty Line Stalls

Data released by the Census Bureau on Wednesday shows that the poverty line stayed the same in 2011 compared to…

U.S. Ambassador, Chris Stevens, Killed in Libya

The U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was attacked by protestors and gunmen, killing the US Ambassador to Libya and three others…

Reports: Foxconn Uses Students to Make iPhones

The manufacturing partner of Apple, Foxconn Technology, is now facing claims that vocational students were compelled to work at plants…

Pat Robertson Tells Viewer to Beat Wife after Converting to a Muslim

Pat Robertson is at it again, making an offensive and rude comment on his television program. You can see the…

Former Tennis Player Attends Columbia Law School

One of the students admitted to Columbia Law School's master's program is that of Mario Ancic, a lawyer from Croatia…

North Carolina Senator Resigns to Join Law Firm

A republican legislator from Wake County, North Carolina, has resigned from his Senate seat to begin working at the law…

US Bond Rating Could be Cut by Moody’s

On Tuesday, Moody's Investors Service that it likely will cut its "Aaa" rating for U.S. government debt, likely by one…