Categories: Law Life

Sunshine Award

Hey there! So first of all – thank you to those of you who nominate me for these awards, even though I don’t post all of them and respond on my blog I appreciate the nominations! Recently I was given the Sunshine Award by Molly and  I thought I’d go ahead and answer the questions that she posted to her nominees!

1. what’s your favorite back to school memory?

Hmm… I can’t really think of one. Well okay, I remember in 4th grade I was so excited because all my best friends and I were in the same class. But then the teacher wouldn’t let us all sit at the same table together. Something about being a “disturbance”… Haha but that was a good year.

2. do you still stalk your first crush on facebook?

HA! I do! Only occasionally. And by first crush we’re talking the guy I liked in kindergarten. Don’t get why he didn’t like me back, aren’t I cute?? Haha

3. what’s your favorite way to get physical (keep it pg, i mean exercise)?

Hmmm I think this changes from time to time but dancing is probably my absolute favorite. I think that’s why I liked Zumba so much, I need to get back to that class!

4. if you had to pick one genre of music to listen to for life, what would it be?

Hmmm probably pop music. I really like country but I tend to go in phases and I use pop music when I’m running, working out or getting pumped up for anything, so I think it would be most beneficial. Or maybe Christmas music… HA.

5. what’s one thing you’ll spend ridiculous amounts of money on BESIDES running/exercise gear?

My apartment? Ha. But true. Having a space I love being in is really important to me. And coffee.

6. nsync, backstreet boys, 98* or otown? (yes, those are all legit options, no shame ashley angel fans)


7. if your life were a soap opera, what would it be called?

Lost Soul…. Ha that’s all I got. I’m not creative with names.

8. name one small thing that brightens your day no matter what your mood is.

A really good coffee drink. Or Molly.

9. have you ever dyed your hair? regret it or best choice ever?

No I haven’t, I’m way too scared it won’t go back to it’s natural color! Although my hair has slowly turned more red over the years… Used to be completely blonde!

10. do, date, or dump – the men of dawson’s creek: dawson, pacey, jack.

Well since Jack is gay this is kind of difficult… DUMP Dawson (easy choice), Date Pacey because he’s by far my favorite, and I guess do Jack? That’s awkward…

Instead of tagging other bloggers, I’m just going to ask you all to answer a few of these!

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.