Categories: Law Life

Intuitive Eating Challenge Update

Hey everyone! I hope you’ve all had a great weekend!

So today I had planned on doing a update on my intuitive eating challenge, however, I’m not quite sure how to go about it. I feel like I am a bit of mess right now – this past week was taxing on me in many ways and I’m not feeling “improved” like I thought I would and thus would be able to write about.

However, we cannot succeed without failing, right? At times like these, there’s a certain quote that really resonates with me. I first got it from Heather, and thinking of it helps me through weeks like these:

I’ve decided to do a bit of bullets point type of post to sum up the challenge so far, kind of a “What I’ve Learned So Far” type of post. Let’s begin, shall we?

I’ve learned that I’m not good at following instructions and that I’m very stubborn. A couple of the “challenges” encourage us to do things such as making meal time a “pleasurable experience.” In other words – put your food on a nice plate, sit down without your computer or the TV, enjoy your meal. I haven’t been doing this. I used the excuse of – well I live alone, so I eat alone and it’s boring to sit there and just eat. Or, my desk is my table so I’m at my computer anyway. Why don’t I just try?

I’ve learned that I often eat because I’m avoiding things, out of habit, or because I’m feeling something else and I’m trying to use the pleasure of food to make myself feel better, emotionally. I also often over-eat when my stomach is already upset; I know it will take at least 12 hours for my stomach to feel better, so I just keep eating since I already feel badly anyways. I actually came to a more conscious realization about some of these things from reading Laura’s post on her conscious living experiment.

As hippie as I feel saying this, I’ve learned I’m not “in tune with my body.” I taught myself to eat at certain times, to wait 3-4 hours between meals, or to eat even if I’m not hungry for fear of being hungry later.

Finally, I’ve learned I have a lot more to learn. Check in next week!

What have you learned about yourself recently?

Can you identify with any of these lessons?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.