Categories: Law Life

February Goals


Guess where I am?

Nope, not Minneapolis, I just stopped there on my way to Kansas City! I’m home for a few days and looking forward to it. Feels like I only just left! Oh wait…

Anyhoo, for those of you who’ve been reading for a while you know that every month I do a goals post for that month. I didn’t do one specifically for January since I did 2013 goals, so we don’t really have anything to recap, but I figured I should start back up the tradition and share with you my goals for this month.

I considered not doing it at all, but after the survey you all took I thought I’d do the post since it let’s you in a little more on my personal life.

1. Follow May Cause Miracles every day. I’m not very good at keeping up with daily things, so this will take some discipline for me. After hearing about the book so much on Heather’s blog, I decided to buy it and follow her book club. I’m a week or so behind her book club since I couldn’t get my hands on it right away, so I’m saving the e-mails and posts until I get to that particular day.

As I’ve mentioned… rarely on the blog, I deal with a lot of anxiety. For a while I thought maybe it was just the stress of being in school, but I deal with it all the time, even on breaks. I realized “just getting over it” wasn’t going to help. After a lot of trial and error with other things, I felt this book would be a great way for me to face the cause of my anxieties head-on, dealing with the crux of the problem and hopefully relieving the symptoms along the way. I’ll be sure to do one or two updates with the book, and then a final review when I’ve finished the 40 days.

2. Get back into strength training. I have let strength training fall to the wayside in a major way. I was following Jillian Michael’s videos for a while but after my workout hiatus while in Denver and San Francisco, I didn’t really get back on board. I have so many ideas about what I want to do – yoga, JM videos, old boot camp workouts, etc. that my mind is just jumbled and I’ve done… nothing. I need a plan. As of now, I’ve tried out a strength training class at my gym, which I hope to do every Sunday. Along with that I just need to motivate myself to do some weights 2 other days a week.

3. Look into freelance writing. I’ve realized from this blog that I really love to write, share information, and correspond with other people. After reading Julie’s post on how to get into freelance writing for reference, I’ve kind of started researching, but I need to start writing down story ideas, writing, and applying for jobs and sending people my work. It makes me pretty nervous because it’s a very foreign concept to me, but what is life without a few failures, right?

So there are my goals for February!

What is something new you’ve tried recently?

What’s something you’re working on to improve right now?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.