Categories: Law Life

BBC–Week 7

Hey everyone! My trip to Charleston was amazing, I got to walk around downtown, my friend’s wedding was a blast, AND my “twin” got engaged! I’ll be back with a full update tomorrow!

This week was our 7th week of Best Body Boot Camp, and next week is the last! These eight weeks really have flown by! This week’s workouts are based on tabata style workouts. Tabata is where you work hard for a short interval and then take a quick break, and repeat a few times, resulting in a hard but quick workout!

The workouts were upper body tabata, lower body tabata and then a full body strength workout. Each day we also had HIIT cardio workouts to do along with them, although I didn’t do too much sprinting since I’m trying to take it easy with cardio. I tried the sprints Monday, but then I kept it to steady state after that.

I really LOVE these workouts, the tabatas have 6 supersets that you do 4 times: 20 seconds exercise A, rest 10 seconds, 20 seconds exercise B, rest 10 seconds, then repeat x4. The whole workout is completed in 30 minutes if you add 1 minute rest between each superset (which I did).

Here’s a look at my workouts from this past week:

Monday – Workout A tabatas plus sprints on the elliptical and the rowing machine. Also went to physical therapy.

Tuesday – … no excuses. I didn’t work out. I walked about 2 miles from school to Whole Foods, but I never swam like I planned.

Wednesday – Workout B tabatas, plus more elliptical and rowing. Also went to physical therapy.

Thursday – cardio day. I took it easy and did 45 minutes broken up: 10 min elliptical, 10 minutes rowing machine, 15 minutes incline walking intervals, 10 minutes rowing. Then stretching and a few planks.

Friday – Pure Barre class – more on this later!

Saturday – Jazzercise strength class (no cardio)

Sunday – REST

And now, on to my workouts for this week! They are somewhat unknown since I’m going to attempt running again this week. Saying that I’m nervous is an understatement… Since I haven’t been foam rolling while in  Charleston I might wait until Thursday to try running, give my legs a little more love with the foam roller. We’ll see!

I forgot about it until I was writing this but I think I’m going to a yoga/bootcamp style class Monday night, and then on Saturday Chicago Running Bloggers is having a meet-up, which includes an easy 3 mile run and a potluck! Hopefully I’ll be running with everyone! I also hope to get to a yoga class sometime during the weekend, or at least do a video on Sunday.

What do your workouts look like?

What’s your favorite type of workout class?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.