Categories: Law Life

October Goals

Happy Monday! New week = new start!

And, it means less than a week until….

THE CHICAGO MARATHON! I can’t believe it’s here. Seriously, it doesn’t seem so long ago that I was sitting in class trying to register for it on February 1st at noon so I got in before it sold out!


But we’ll have plenty of marathon talk later this week! Today marks the first day of the BEST MONTH OF THE YEAR! Why you ask? 1) I love fall and 2) my birthday is in October! Before I get on to my goals that I want to work on over the next four weeks, let’s recap how things went in September:

September Goals

1) Do all my reading a day before class! Did pretty well at this one. I always get my reading done for 3 of the classes ahead of time, one class I’m not doing to awesome with reading for, and the last class I realized our whole grade is based on a paper… Which means there is no purpose to read the book and take notes in class other than for fun… So yea. I think I did well on this one but it can definitely improve!

2) Do a devotion every morning when I get up! I did pretty well with this for most of the month, but I definitely fell off track over the past week or so. I find that if I don’t do a habit every single morning, then I just fall off the bandwagon completely. Need to get back on.

3) Be prepared for each GOTR lesson and HAVE FUN!Haha, well, because of the teacher strike in the Chicago Public School System, we started pretty late and have only had 3 lessons (4 including today!). I have been prepared and enjoyed them so far, but I’m ready to get into a routine with it. All the other coaches have missed at least 1 lesson so far, so we have been a bit out of whack, but things should improve soon since everyone SHOULD be there for the rest of the season…

4) GET PUMPED FOR THE MARATHON! Um yes. Haha definitely kept this one going. I’ve been very lucky that I haven’t gotten burnt out and I think part of that was the week I had to take off because of my IT band problems. But I’ve been doing well for the past 3 weeks and have less than one to go! (KNOCK ON WOOD). I hate all this waiting though, it’s giving me anxiety, I just want to go do it and not think about it so much!!!

Alright, now we’re on to October!

October Goals

1) Start weightlifting again. Because of all the running I’ve been doing, I’ve lost both time and motivation for weight training. It’s so important to do strength training for you your overall health, and I miss it! It made me feel strong and confident! I want to re-vamp my workout schedule with plenty of strength training and still some running to keep up my overall mileage, because I don’t want to completely lose what I’ve done over the past 4 months, especially since I’m running a half in January!

2) Stop watching so much TV. It’s become an issue. Ever since I joined Hulu Plus last week to watch all of Downton Abbey, I can’t stop watching full seasons on Netflix or Hulu. I’ve gone through Downton Abbey, New Girl and Once Upon A Time in 8 days. That’s time I should be using to focus on school, blogging, exercise and my own mental health (aka not trapped in TV land…). I’m ditching Hulu Plus. Can’t. Handle. The power.

3) Continue career-soul searching. I’ve been trying to figure out what the in the world I want to do after I take the Bar exam next summer. Do I want to be an attorney? Do I want to try and use my law degree in another way? Do I want to ditch it entirely and go for another career path? It’s driving me crazy and I need to really start looking at jobs and think about whether or not that’s something I’d be happy doing.

4) Keep on top of/get a head start on school work. As you might be able to tell from my goal above, my head is not in law school right now. I am seriously lacking the interest and motivation that I used to have, but I have 5 busy classes this semester and can’t let that slide. I need to work harder on keeping on top of school work, tests and 2 papers/presentations that I have this semester. Ick. But it’s got to be done!

If you love your career, how did you find it?

Does anyone else have a TV addiction right now?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.