Venable LLP

Venable LLP Recipient of Chambers Annual Award for Excellence in Advertising and Marketing Category

Venable LLP is the recipient of leading legal directory publisher Chambers' annual Award for Excellence in the Advertising and Marketing…

Morning Roundup

Good morning everyone! Today is Monday, May 24th. Here's a quick look back at Friday's stories. Weitz & Luxenberg Made…

Obama Taps Venable Partner For Federal Bench Seat

Yesterday Venable partner Robert Wilkins was given the tap by the Obama administration for a spot on the bench of…

Morning Roundup

Good morning! Today is Friday, May 14th. Here's a quick look back at yesterday's stories. Bryan Cave and Venable Add…

Bryan Cave and Venable Add A Partner Apiece

According to a Reuters evening post, both Bryan Cave and Venable have welcomed two new partners. Bryan has brought on board Paul…

Venable Cuts Compensation for All Lawyers & Staff

Baltimore’s Venable is cutting salaries across the board, affecting all lawyers and staff, including partners. Base compensation for our first…

Venable Brings on 8 for Tax Practice

Baltimore's Venable has brought on eight lawyers for its tax and estate planning practice in Los Angeles. Brad Cohen, Michael…

The Week in Law Firm Layoffs

Here's the rundown for law firm layoffs this week: K&L Gates: 36 associates and 79 staff Burges Salmon: 18 lawyers…

Venable Announces Layoffs

Baltimore's Venable has announced layoffs. From the official email announcement: We understand that communicating this action by email is not…

Report: Women Still Not Making Partner

According to a report released by the San Francisco-based Project for Attorney Retention, which surveyed 100 American law firms, only…

Hausfeld Firm Moves to New DC Digs

Two months after launching, law firm Hausfeld LLP has moved into permanent space in Washington, DC. The firm was founded…

Venable Partner Recalls Landing in Hudson River

The American Lawyer has an interview with Venable partner James Hanks Jr., who was on board US Airways Flight 1549…