tax cuts

Kansas Moving Towards Eliminating Individual Income Tax

Kansas is rapidly and proactively altering its tax structure. Earlier this month, the largest tax cut in the history of…

Court Orders Kansas to Increase School Funding

On Friday, a three-judge panel at the Shawnee County District Court in Topeka, Kansas, ruled that Kansas must increase educational…

John Boehner’s Fiscal Cliff ‘Plan B’ Fails to Reach Vote in House

John Boehner, the House Speaker from Ohio, was unable to bring his 'Plan B' for the fiscal cliff to a…

Democrats Meet on Tax Cuts

Congress has almost adjourned for the year and when it is gaveled back into session in January, there will be…

Senate Set to Pass New Whistle Blower Law

The US SenateĀ is once again poised to pass new legislation that has nothing to do with extending tax cuts, despite…