
The Legal Market Tears Lawyers Down, But They Can Survive

Summary: Lawyers that make small adjustments to how they connect with their job will be able to get through the…

Celebrity Rehab’s Dr. Pinsky Discusses Harvey Weinstein’s Trip to Rehab

Summary: Dr. Drew Pinsky has experience with celebrities like Harvey Weinstein who are used to power and fame, making treatment…

Lowest Paid Lawyers Are the Happiest, Study Shows

Summary: A new study shows that lower paid lawyers are happier than higher paid. We well know by now that…

Pictures of Optical Illusions and What They Say About You

Summary: A few pictures of optical illusions or tricky images and word sequences that expose the way the brain thinks.…

With Tests that Avoid Species-Bias, Animals are Being Proved More Intelligent than Previously Thought

“What is man, that you should magnify him?” Is he “the paragon of the animals”? The “rational animal”? Whatever man…