legal news

Cancellation of Redskins’ Trademark Ordered

Summary: A federal court judge has ruled that the Redskins’ trademark will be cancelled. According to the Washington Post, the…

Georgia Department of Natural Resources Sued for Sexual Discrimination

  Summary: A former employee of Georgia’s Department of Natural Resources alleges she was forced to send one of her…

Unclaimed Apple Payouts to be Deposited into Government Trusts

Summary: Thousands of settlement checks from an Apple warranty class action suit have expired. A judge has decided to hold…

Supreme Court Tosses Limit on Power Plant Emissions

Summary: The Supreme Court has ruled that a limitation on mercury emissions was improper, due to the Environmental Protection Agency’s…

Pennsylvania Firearms Law Struck Down

Summary: A law that allowed residents and organizations to sue municipalities over gun laws has been struck down. A state…

California Assembly Passes Strict Vaccination Laws

Summary: California is one step closer to requiring children who enter daycare and schools to be vaccinated, after the state…

Illinois Attorney Faces Child Porn Allegations

Summary: A Chicago attorney faces serious allegations after a tip led police to his residence, where both videos and photographs…

Supreme Court Rules Same-Sex Couples May Marry in Every State

Summary: In a 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court has decided that the states may not enforce same-sex marriage bans. According…

Washington, D.C. Bar Exam Takers Will Be Allowed to Type on Personal Laptops

Summary: The D.C. Court of Appeals recently announced that bar exam takers will be allowed to type their answers to…

California Attorney to Serve Four Years for Killing Father of Four

Summary: Hasti Fakhrai-Bayrooti will spend four years behind bars for driving under the influence of prescription drugs and killing a…

Thousands of Haitians May Be Deported from Dominican Republic

Summary: Due to the failure to meet a registration deadline, thousands of Haitian immigrants may be deported from the Dominican…

FBI Arrests 243 Individuals for False Medicare Billing

Summary: The largest Medicare fraud bust in history was carried out earlier this week. According to FBI.gov, over 240 individuals…