legal education

Legal Education Affordable with Flat, No-Discount Tuition

  The University of La Verne College of Law announced today that its adoption of a flat, no discount 'True…

A Divide in Legal Education

The sun still shines brightly on the most selective schools, which, so far, have been generally sheltered from the law…

Is Denver the Best Place to Get a Law Degree?

Guest Post By: Harold Smith When you think Denver several things may come to mind: the Rocky Mountains, the Denver…

Law Dean Pens Paper on Law School Debt and Financial Viability

Per the December 12th law.com article, “Law school, a ticket to economic security? Better run the numbers”, University of Louisville…

D.C. To Host Diversity Conference And Expo

The National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms will hold its annual meeting and law firm expo from…

Monday Morning Roundup

Good morning! I hope everyone had an outstanding weekend. Let's get back to the grind with a look at Friday's…

New Trends in Legal Education

Law students are worried about an increasingly competitive job market and law schools are looking for ways to better prepare…