The courtroom is not always the quietest and most civilized place. And attorneys are not always the smartest people. One thing is...
Summary: What are paraprosdokians? Learn what these oddly-named figures of speech are and enjoy 17 witty examples in this article. Are you having...
David Is to Be Returned to Italy … A bit of cultural news for a welcomed change. After a two year loan to...
Summary: Check out these funny and clever coffee mugs to add some spice to your mornings. Gone are the days of plain...
Summary: A Seattle lawyer ends up with Sir Mix-A-Lot’s previous cellphone number. When Seattle lawyer Jonathan Nichols gained a new local number...
Summary: Patrick Gavin is on a campaign to interview the most powerful lawyer in the world – President Barack Obama. 88 days...
Summary: When responding to a report of “suspicious activity,” police in Newport, Oregon find four adorable raccoons that broke into a local...
Summary: Most things that are illegal follow some degree of common sense: no killing anyone, no stealing, no cheating on your...
Summary: Australian cartoonist Tim Whyatt takes up Gary Larson’s torch. Ever since Gary Larson retired, there’s been an aching hole in...
Summary: Funny pictures of the conflicted relationship mankind has with the animal kingdom. Have you ever seen a graphic or violent picture...
Summary: Interesting pictures of food art. If you are creative, any object can become a medium for artwork, even fruit. Who...
I wonder if this guy’s compensating for something?