employment rates

2015 Bad Year for Graduates to Find Private Practice Jobs

Summary: Law school graduates experienced a twenty year low in the number of private practice jobs given out. The National…

Chicago Law School Tops Employment Rate List

Summary: Law school graduates from 2015, especially from Chicago Law, have experienced better employment rates due to less competition over…

Jury Deliberates on Thomas Jefferson School of Law Fraud Case

Summary: A former student has sued the Thomas Jefferson School of Law, blaming their allegedly misleading employment data as the…

Lawsuit against Thomas Jefferson Law Moves Forward

Summary: After most of the lawsuits brought by former law school students have been dropped, one against Thomas Jefferson School…

Thomas Jefferson Law School Will Face Trial

Summary: The private law school in San Diego has been struggling for the last five years, but that doesn’t appear…

How Minorities Can Select the Best Law School for Their Future

Summary: With very few minorities finding jobs after law school with major law firms, making the best of their time…

Thomas Jefferson School of Law Sued by 12 Former Students

Summary: Former students of Thomas Jefferson School of Law have blamed the school in a lawsuit for a poor legal market…

University of New Mexico Law School Reveals Higher Employment Rates

Summary: In contrast to the rest of the country, the University of New Mexico School of Law is reporting that…

The Top 11 Northeast Law Schools in Employment Rates

Summary: The most recent American Bar Association data shows a small increase in employment rates for law school graduates. View…

JD Employment at 22 Year Lowest, But Some Hopeful Signs

JDs are still struggling. In the latest study regarding employment rates for freshly graduated law students, performed by the National…