
Most Diverse Law Firms

Summary: Diversity in law firms is behind the times but law firms have been putting on emphasis on themselves to…

Dentons Welcomes Former General Mills Chief Lawyer

Summary: Roderick “Rick” Palmore is heading back to the law-firm life after working for the past 15 years for corporations…

Asian-Americans Set Goal to Improve Their Ranks in the Legal Field

Summary: There are only 13 Asian-Americans serving as general counsel in Fortune 500 companies, a number that they hope to…

Law Firm Partners Are Unknowingly Racist

Summary: A new study discovers an unconscious bias in law firm partners that puts African-American male associates in a more…

New Study Shows White Christians and Republicans Underrepresented in Law School Faculties

Summary: A new study coming out of Northwestern University School of Law shows law school demographics disfavor white Christians and…

Law School Diversity Increases, But Mostly at Less Prestigious Schools

Summary: A new study by a law school professor finds that lower tier law schools saw the largest increase in…

Cooley Law Graduates the Most Minorities in the Nation

The secret to having diversity in your law school is to lower the requirements to get into the program without…

Dallas Study Finds Diversity is Way Down at Big Law

Not only must law firms strive in the most difficult legal market in over a decade, but they must be…

Diversity Matters Award Presented to Ten Law Schools and National LSAC Meeting

Diversity has been the subject of discussion throughout the legal industry for many years, as law firms acknowledge its importance…

Idaho College of Law: Diversity Furor

Idaho College of Law, the only institution in Idaho accredited by AALS and ABA seems to be caught in a…

Studies Finds That Faculty Diversity Impacts Law Review Memberships

A new study suggests that law schools with a diverse faculty are more likely to have law reviews members and…

Diversity at Law Firms Changes

Diversity seems to be slowly improving at law firms all over the United States in 2011. In 2010, it became…