
Equality Act Proposed by Democrats

Summary: The Equality Act was introduced by Democrats, in opposition to the Republicans First Amendment Defense Act, to extend federal…

$3 Million in Funding to Be Removed from UNC Law School

Summary: A portion of the State funding for UNC Chapel Hill School of Law has been taken away to give…

Swarm of Lawyers to Play Large Role in Election

Summary: Both parties are using a large set of lawyers to protect their interests this election. What has the voting…

Senate Leaders Step in After House Fails: A Deal has been Made

The high-stakes games that is congressional politics that kept us at the edge of our seats, as we veered closer…

Congressional Shenanigans Amidst the Shutdown: a List of Misdeeds

While all the nation is roiling against Congress, against their shutdown of the government, amidst bipartisan turmoil, a few Congressional…

Boehner Refuses to Submit to Obama’s Call for “Unconditional Surrender”

After Obama’s speech, when he compared Republicans to criminals who had take the nation ransom, challenging them to let the…

Polls On Government Shutdown Blame Republicans Most

Various polls put out be news sources suggest that Americans are unhappy with how Republicans have handled the government shutdown.…

Congresswoman Points out Hypocrisy

Democratic representative Jackie Speier defends food stamps from being cut on the Congress floor. She decided to hold individual members…

Jesse Jackson Jr. Gets 2 ½ Years for Misusing Campaign Funds

Former Illinois Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., son of the famous and somewhat infamous “Reverend” Jesse Jackson Sr., and once one…

Suggestive Graphs on Obama’s Presidency

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and when that picture is a graph or statistical representation, it…

Republicans Challenge Exorbitant DHS Ammo Purchases, “1,000 More Rounds per Person” than the Army

The Department of Homeland Security is using 1,000 rounds of ammunition more per person than the U.S. Army, and Republican…

STEM Jobs Act Passes in House

The first post-election effort to overhaul U.S. immigration policy came in the form of a Republican sponsored measure, the STEM…