Summary: After the fall of bullyish Hollywood mogul, Harvey Weinstein, other high-profile figures have been accused of sexual harassment or much more. In...
Summary: Golden Globe winner Casey Affleck was accused of sexual harassment in 2010. Being Ben Affleck’s brother is a blessing and a...
Summary: Keith Middlebrook has been accused of defrauding athletes and celebrities out of millions of dollars in a recent lawsuit.
If you thought the Batman played by Christian Bale was buff, wait until you see some of the first pictures of Ben...
Ben Affleck stars as the new Batman, following Christian Bale, George Clooney, Val Kilmer, Michael Keaton, and Adam West. Zack Snyder is...
Ben Affleck and his wife Jennifer Garner celebrated two events this weekend, both the baptism of their son and their own 8...
The 85th annual Academy Awards were held on Sunday night in Hollywood, with “Argo” taking home the honor for best picture. We...