Alliance Defending Freedom

Opposing Pro-DEI Leadership in American Universities: A Call for Revitalization

In a recent interview with Fox News Digital, Kristen Waggoner, the president of Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), underscored the imperative…

11 Families Sue School District for Allowing Transgender Student in Female Locker Room

Summary: The Alliance Defending Freedom is suing a Virginia, MN school district for allowing a transgender student to use the…

9 Lawyers Associated with Child Pornography

Summary: The following is a list of attorneys who are associated with child pornography because they were either caught with it…

Barring Intervention from U.S. Supreme Court, Gay Marriage to Begin Next Week in Virginia

Summary: Should the United States Supreme Court not intervene in Virginia's battle against same-sex marriage, couples could begin to tie the…

Government Meeting Prayers Endorsed by U.S. Supreme Court

On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court gave government officials across the country more authority to begin public meetings with a…