Legal Career Resources

Are Virtual Law Firms the Right Fit for Everyone?

Summary: Virtual law firms are growing in popularity but there are a number of differences between traditional law firms and…

Attorneys Do Not Make Good Entrepreneurs

Summary: Learn why entrepreneurs and attorneys are generally not the same people because of a large difference in personality traits.…

Reasons Why a Legal Recruiter Gives You the Silent Treatment

Summary: Legal recruiters may stop giving updates or talking to you, which is a concern when you are depending on…

32 Warning Signs for Attorneys Facing Job Loss

Summary: There are 32 common signs that attorneys can pay attention to in order to reduce their chances of being…

5 Steps Lawyers Should Take When a Layoff is Imminent

Summary: Do you fear that a lay-off from your law firm is imminent? Learn what you should do to prepare…

Pros and Cons to Becoming a Staff Attorney

Summary: Staff attorneys often get the short end of the stick but there are instances where it is the better…

10 Reasons Attorneys Are Ruining Their Futures in Law Firms

Summary: There are endless reasons as to why attorneys are risking their jobs at law firms, often without even realizing…

Top Los Angeles Litigation Boutiques – 2017

Summary: JD Journal has identified the best litigation firms in Los Angeles. Note: These are BCG Attorney Search's favorite litigation…

Top Bay Area Litigation Boutiques

Summary: JD Journal has named the top litigation boutiques in the Bay Area. Note: These are BCG Attorney Search's favorite…

The Seven Burdens Attorneys Face That Drag Them Down

Summary: Harrison Barnes classifies the burdens that attorneys take on in their career into seven “deadly” categories. There are several…

Spring 2017 State of the Market Report

Summary: BCG Attorney Search released the latest report on the current state of the legal market, providing insight into hot,…

No Word from a Law Firm Is Not Always a Bad Thing

Summary: Not receiving a word about your application to a law firm does not always mean you are out of…