
How Bluebook Backlash Led to the Creation of BabyBlue, Now Indigo Book

Summary: Backlash against legal staple the Bluebook has ushered in the rise of the opposing Indigo Book.  In high school…

Father and Son Lawyers Arrested for Raping Young Girl

Summary: A 15-year-old girl was brought to the home of a lawyer in India to serve as a domestic help…

How to Use Your Law Degree without Practicing Law

Summary: What can you do with a law degree, besides practice law? You did it. You got a law degree. Now…

Study Reveals Lawyers Most Likely to be Alcoholics

Summary: Recent studies reveal that lawyers are the most likely group of professionals to suffer from alcoholism. It's a well-known…

Watch the Most Fascinating Depositions of All Time

Summary: Filmmaker Brett Weiner created a video series that captured the oddness of the legal world by using transcripts of…

Scottish Lawyer Loses License for Overcharging Clients

Summary: A law firm in Scotland has been shut down after it was found the firm was overcharging clients and…

Thornton Law Firm Investigated for Political Donations

Summary: Thornton Law is being investigated for giving their partners bonuses matching the amount made for political donations. Thornton Law…

Hypnotizing Attorney Sentenced to 12 Years

Summary: A former attorney that used hypnosis to sexually abuse clients was sentenced to 12 years in prison but not…

What You Need to Know about the Changing MBE

Summary: Starting in February, the MBE will be different. How will this effect test takers? The National Council of Bar…

Best Law Schools by Salary Potential 2016-2017

Summary: Payscale listed the top law schools with the richest graduates.  We all wanna make some cheddar and ball harder…

Las Vegas Attorney Going to Prison after Stealing from Clients

Summary: A former Las Vegas attorney will spend at least 2 ½ years behind bars before earning the chance for…

Once Famous Attorney Heading to Prison

Summary: A highly regarded attorney in Hollywood years ago will now be sitting behind bars for up to a year…