Celebrity News

Tiger Woods Retains Boutique Firm Lavely & Singer

With his public image in freefall in the wake of a single car accident and embarrassing revelations about his private…

Roman Polanski Granted Bail

Director Roman Polanski, who is being held in a Swiss jail pending extradition to the United States, has been granted…

South Carolina Hires Impeachment Lawyer

With the state legislature considering bringing impeachment charges against Governor Mark Sanford, the state has retained Ross Garber, a partner…

Breakin’ the law! – Part 2

You would think with his popularity dropping and his state in an economic shambles, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger would be…

Roman Polanski Bail Request Denied

The Swiss court overseeing Roman Polanski's case has denied bail pending an extradition hearing. The court is concerned that if…

Rush Limbaugh Dropped from Group Bidding on Rams

You guessed it, it's another slow news day in the world of legal business, so I'm diving into the other…

Maria Shriver – Breakin’ the Law!

Why is it more fun to pick on the rich and famous for minor transgressions? I don't know, but it…

David Shapiro Passes Away

David Shapiro, founding partner of Dickstein Shapiro, has passed away. Shapiro died in London of a heart attack at age…

Jumping on the Polanski Bandwagon

Earthquakes, a tsunami, and a 32 year old sex scandal involving a Hollywood icon. This is the very definition of…

Dewey & LeBoeuf Will Represent Caster Semenya

Caster Semenya, the South African runner whose gender has been called to question, will be represented pro bono by the…

Cuomo v Bank of America, Round 2

Yesterday, New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo began running for Governor errr trying his case in the media when he…

Giant lateral moves from Marvel to Disney

In what has to be the largest industry merger of the year, Disney picked up 5000 new cartoon characters from…