Breaking News

Death Toll from Iraq Violence Reaches 107

According to security and medical authorities, at least 107 people have been killed by bomb attacks and shootings in Baghdad…

$32 Trillion Held in Offshore Accounts

Research published this past Sunday says that rich individuals have at least $32 trillion of financial assets hidden in tax…

Non-Muslims Warned to Respect Ramadan or Face Expulsion in Saudi Arabia

Officials in Saudi Arabia warned non-Muslin expatriates that they cannot eat, drink or smoke in public until Ramadan ends. If…

Ann Romney Defends Mitt’s Decision Not to Release Tax Returns

Mitt Romney’s wife, Ann, is again taking to the media to let the public know that she is standing behind…

12 Dead from Shooting at Batman Premier in Colorado

James Holmes walked into the Century 16 movie theater in Aurora, Colorado and opened fire, killing 12 people at 12:30…

Economy Tanks Obama’s Approval Ratings

According to The Huffington Post, in mid-July 2012, a CBS/NYT poll puts President Barack Obama behind Mitt Romney, 46 percent…

John McCain vs. Michele Bachmann On Huma Abedin

In mid-July 2012, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) went to bat for top State Department official Huma Abedin, a Muslim-American, and…

Average Canadian Wealthier Than Average American

Americans beware, our neighbors to the north are slowly becoming wealthier than we are on average. For the previous five…

George W. Bush Enjoying Life as Former President

Former President George W. Bush is enjoying his life out of the White House despite enduring so much criticism while…

Obama Refuses to Apologize to Romney for Bain Capital Comments

On Sunday, the campaign for Mitt Romney said that President Barack Obama will say anything to be elected to a…

Deadly Shark Attack in Western Australia

Beaches at Wedge Island in Western Australia were closed over the weekend as a result of a surfer being bitten…

Geraldo Rivera Brags about His Hoodie Claims

On Friday, Geraldo Rivera joined the case of Fox & Friends to discuss an increase in homicides that have left…