Breaking News

Labor Unions Head To Charlotte With Some Grumbles — Assualt an Empty Chair

Labor Unions met in Charlotte, North Carolina, with some misgivings, on Labor Day, to rally support for Obama. The public…

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright Discusses Romney

Mitt Romney has struggled to win over the hearts and votes of women across the country because he has not…

Watch: Amazing Simulation of Curiosity’s Journey

Take a few minutes to watch this amazing simulation of the journey of Curiosity. No narration is needed, just a…

Pak Imam Caught for Falsely Implicating Christian Child under Blasphemy Law

Many readers may already know that last month, a Christian girl child with Down’s syndrome was arrested for ‘burning the…

Paul Ryan Admits His Marathon Claim was Wrong

During an interview last week, Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan said that he ran a marathon. He said, "I…

Love Handles are More Deadly than Obesity

When it comes to your health, what's most important isn't how much fat you have, but where your fat is…

Rev. Moon Dies at 92

The Rev. Sun Myung Moon, self-proclaimed messiah and founder of the Unification Church, died early Monday in South Korea due…

Melissa-Harris Perry Explodes on Guest on Her Show

During her television show Saturday morning, Melissa Harris-Perry exploded on one of her guests as they talked about welfare. The…

Apple Rejects App for Drone Strike Coverage

According to a rejection letter from Apple, the Drones+ app has been rejected again from the App Store. The letter…

New Jersey Mass Shooting

According to The Huffington Post, a New Jersey Pathmark supermarket employee, age 23, wearing military clothing opened fire at the…

Resignation of Maldives President Ruled Legal

It has been announced by a domestic inquiry commission in the Maldives that the resignation of President Mohamed Nasheed was…

Missouri Farmers Sickened by New Virus Called ‘Heartland’

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has described a new disease carried by ticks as the Heartland virus. The…