Breaking News

Death Toll in Gaza Strip Escalates as Israeli Attacks Continue

The Palestinian death toll has risen to over 100 as Israeli aircraft carried out an attack on a media center…

“Sleeping Beauty Syndrome” Costs 17-year-old Girl 64 Days of Sleep

A Pennsylvanian teen slept from Thanksgiving to January, and it wasn't the tryptophan. Nicole Delien, 17, suffers from an extremely…

Marco Rubio Refuses to Offer Input on Earth’s Age

In an interview with GQ, Senator Marco Rubio, a Republican from Florida, said that he is not qualified to answer…

Michele Bachmann Releases Statement Asking Obama for Benghazi ‘Further Investigation’

The Barack Obama administration has been accused of a 'false narrative' regarding the attack on the United States consulate in…

McKayla Maroney and Obama are not Impressed

McKayla Maroney became a meme when she made her cutesy scowl about performing less than her best at the Olympics,…

Israeli Air Strikes Kill Hamas Commander

Reuters reported that Israel launched an offensive against Palestinian militants in Gaza this week that killed the military commander of…

Luke Russert Upsets Nancy Pelosi with Age Question

NBC reporter Luke Russert upset House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi earlier this week on Wednesday. Pelosi was making an announcement…

Brooklyn Pot Dealer Donates Proceeds to Hurricane Sandy Victims

On the condition of anonymity, a marijuana dealer in Brooklyn, New York spoke with HuffPost Crime about donating half of…

Romney Claims Obama Won Election because of “Gifts” to Voters

In a report from the Associated Press, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has been telling top donors that President Barack…

VIDEO: UFO Over Denver Stumps Aviation Expert

Well we've finally got those buggers pegged: UFO's sighted near Denver. A local sent in some footage to Denver's Fox-affiliated…

Bobby Jindal, Governor of Louisiana, Criticizes Own GOP Party

The governor of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal, criticized his own party following the surprising defeat of the GOP in the 2012…

Headline Failures and the Stories They Ruined!

Because a headline has to grab your immediate attention and hold it long enough for you to settle down and…