Jim Vassallo

Insider Trader from Wilson Sonsini Pleads Guilty

On Thursday, a former trader admitted that he engaged in a long-running insider trading scheme that created more than $37…

CDC Releases Sexual Violence Survey Findings

A new statistic has been released by the government that says one in four women surveyed have been violently attacked…

Susman Godfrey Announces Bonuses

  The powerful litigation law firm of Susman Godfrey announced this week that its associate bonuses will rival those of…

Dangerous and Safe Cities in America

The most dangerous city in all of America with 75,000 people or more is that of Flint, Michigan according to…

Arizona Man Jailed for Sending Nude Photo of Minor

Investigators claim that a man from Arizona was attempting to teach his girlfriend’s daughter a lesson by sending a nude…

Donald Trump backs out of Debate as Moderator

Lawrence O’Donnell is one of the biggest critics of Donald Trump, so when he heard that Trump had backed out…

Time Names Person of the Year

It was announced on Wednesday morning that the Time Person of the Year is ‘The Protester.’ The decision was revealed…

Cahill Announces Bonuses

In 2010, the law firm of Cravath Swaine & Moore low-balled the market for bonuses, which was then steamrolled by…

Kentucky Church Ban on Interracial Couples Negated

A church in Kentucky has voted to ban interracial couples from membership, but that vote has been ruled null and…

Coin Collection Discovered at Library

The Passau State Library in Germany hit the news over the past couple of days for some very exciting news.…

Pakistani Seminary Raided

Earlier this week, police in Pakistan discovered drug addicts being held in chains at an Islamic seminary that was responsible…

Two More Law Firms Jump on Cravath Bonus Bandwagon

Two more law firms have announced that they will be handing out $42,500 year-end bonuses to their eighth-year associates and…