
Three Firms Take the Lead on the Proposed Sale of NFL’s Jacksonville Jaguars

Three Am Law 100 firms are advising on the potential sale of the NFL's Jacksonville Jaguars by the current owner…

Bryan Cave and Holme Roberts said to be in Merger Talks

According to reports made by the St. Louis Business Journal in Los Angeles. Bryan Cave and Denver-based Holme Roberts &…

Third Quarter Report from Citi’s: Robust Collections, Slowing Demand

A quick look at the numbers for the first three quarters of 2011 suggests that there is good news for…

Merger Craze Continues As Ohio Firms Unite

According to a report issued last month by legal consultancy Atlman Weil, the law firm merger mania that led to…

Law Firm Merger Talks about Proceeding into Asia, and Ending in Europe

According to the Financial Times, partners from top Australian firm Mallesons Stephen Jaques have voted in favor of a proposed…

Should Suffolk Fire Michael Avery For His Anti-Military Remarks?

Dear administrators at Suffolk University Law School: Your problem with Michael Avery is not going to go away (and not…

Clawbacks are Facing Pushback’s in Law Firm Bankruptcies

When it comes to litigation involving defunct law firms, the clawback suits may be on their way out--of the bankruptcy…

Joint Degree Possible for New York Law School Students

New York Law School students will soon be able to get a joint degree in law and a master's in…

Law Student Rats Out Professor, Then Gets Angry at the Rest of the Class

It a wonder why law schools don't just institute mandatory naps. Sometimes, the student just needs to take a little…

London Programs for Studying Abroad Are Rescheduled for Olympics

Some lucky law school students have a prime opportunity to take advantage of the Olympic games that will be held…

Gloomy News for the Justice Department

You would think that with Thanksgiving just a few days away that everyone would be in a good, thankful mood.…

A Former Hofstra 1L was Accused of Impersonating a Psychiatrist

Well, I guess that Amora Rachelle missed the day when they talked about fraud statutes at Hofstra Law. There is…