Categories: Legal News

U.S. Senate Confirms Judge Joshua Kolar to Federal Appeals Court

In a significant move, the U.S. Senate granted President Joe Biden his 40th confirmed appointment to a federal appeals court, endorsing U.S. Magistrate Judge Joshua Kolar’s elevation to the Chicago-based 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The Democratic-led Senate decisively voted 66-25 in favor of Kolar’s appointment, affirming his role as a life-tenured judge on the appeals court, which presides over cases from Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin. This appointment is pivotal, mainly as the court already hosts three other Biden appointees among its members.

Judicial Confirmations Under President Biden

With Judge Kolar’s confirmation, President Biden marks the confirmation of 172 judicial nominees under his administration. While several other nominations remain pending, this milestone underscores the administration’s efforts in reshaping the judiciary, ensuring a diverse and qualified bench across federal courts.

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Judge Kolar’s Background and Military Service

Judge Joshua Kolar brings a wealth of experience to his new role, having served as a federal magistrate judge since 2018. Notably, he holds the rank of lieutenant commander in the U.S. Navy Reserve, where he has served since 2009, including active duty in Afghanistan from 2014 to 2015. His military background has notably influenced his judicial approach, as he emphasized during his appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee in September.

Bipartisan Support and Nomination Process

Crucially, Judge Kolar’s path to confirmation was facilitated by bipartisan support, notably from his state’s Republican senators, Todd Young and Mike Braun, who provided their “blue slips” indicating approval for their home state nominee. Although not mandatory for appellate court nominees, the support from local senators can expedite the confirmation process and garner additional backing.

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Implications for the 7th Circuit Court

Upon Judge Kolar’s accession to the 7th Circuit, the composition of the 11-member court will notably tilt with seven active judges appointed by Republicans and four by Democratic presidents appointed by President Biden. Moreover, with the announcement of U.S. Circuit Judge Ilana Rovner’s plan to take senior status, creating a vacancy, President Biden will have the opportunity to name a fifth appointee to the court, further influencing its ideological balance and long-term impact.

In essence, Judge Kolar’s confirmation underscores the ongoing efforts to shape the federal judiciary, reflecting a blend of legal acumen, diverse backgrounds, and bipartisan support in appointments to crucial appellate courts.

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