Categories: Law Life

Three Must-Haves For a Positive Day

Summary: Without making any drastic changes to your circumstances, you can easily change your mood to be more positive and upbeat by taking the time to focus on a few different areas.

We all have rough days, but if you find yourself struggling to get up most mornings and make it through without feeling negative or down on yourself, then it’s time to change your perspective on your life. Without making any drastic changes to your circumstances, you can easily change your mood to be more positive and upbeat by taking the time to focus on a few different areas. Our thoughts are incredibly powerful when it comes to changing our actions and our feelings and here are three things you must have for a more positive day.

  1. Feeling in Control.

One of the biggest struggles we as humans have in life is when we aren’t in control of what happens to our loved ones or us, especially when it comes to things like disease, accidents, or other people’s actions and choices that affect our lives. When we feel limited, and at the mercy of others, we’re dissatisfied, but when we feel in control of what’s happening, we’re much happier and tend to be more successful.

To feel more in control, set goals around things that you can control, like what you’ll get done that day, week or even year and then be specific about the action items you need to take to get there.

  1. Optimism.

Our thoughts are incredibly powerful when it comes to how we feel about our lives. Sure, you might be going through a very difficult time, but your mindset and how you view the situation can completely change your feelings and your actions. Being optimistic will not only make you feel better, but it will make you work harder during difficult times and will make it more likely that things will improve because you’re focusing your energy on potential positive outcomes and how you’ll get to those outcomes.

To be more optimistic, take time to visualize positive outcomes, whether through journaling or meditation, as well as focus on all the good things that you have right now.

  1. A Sense of Purpose.

Getting out of bed every morning can be difficult if you don’t see the point or believe in what you’re doing with your life. Out of every motivating factor, having a sense of purpose is number one to having a more positive day and positive life because we all want to feel like we are a part of something bigger than just ourselves and that we’re leaving a mark on this world.

If you want to have a sense of purpose, it doesn’t mean that you have to quit your job and join the Peace Corps. It’s all about reframing your perspective about your current situation. How is what you’re doing going to make a difference in someone else’s life today or sometime down the road? Whether that’s your career, raising children, or being a kind a human being to the people you interact with every day, focus on what kind of mark you want to leave and how you’re going to make that mark through the little things that you do each day.

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.