Categories: Law Life

How to Have an Abundance Mindset

Summary: The people who change their lives and achieve more are the people who start with the belief that their circumstances can change.

What you believe about yourself, your life and your potential have a huge effect on your reality and what you achieve. If you believe that you aren’t worthy of that promotion, you aren’t capable of completing a marathon, or you won’t find someone who loves you, then that’s probably how your life is going to go. If your current circumstances are a certain way, you’ll probably believe they’ll stay that way. If you grew up poor, you might believe that you’ll always be poor. If you grew up rich, the same mindset would apply. The people who change their lives and achieve more are the people who start with the belief that their circumstances can change.

If you want to change your mindset, or at least become more aware of where you beliefs are now, here are eight ways people think–who believe they can have and deserve to have more.

  1. We Mentality. If you think about the whole team at work rather than just about yourself, you’ll get further in your career. People prefer to work with people who look out for the whole group than those who are cut throat and only think of themselves. Relationships can make a huge difference in both your quality of life and your ability to move up the ladder.
  2. Trust. Being more trusting of people allows you to put yourself out there more and take bigger risks. Sure, some people may be there to scam you, but if you’re always skeptical, then you’re not going to play big.
  3. Questioning. Some people just assume things, and you know what assuming means. Question the way things are done at your office rather than just accepting the status quo. Look for ways to make things better or more efficient.
  4. Originality. People who focus on comparison end up emulating the people to whom they’re comparing themselves. People who put up their blinders and focus on themselves tend to be more creative and come up with original ideas.
  5. Solution-Oriented. People who don’t get anywhere are usually focused on their problems. However, if you focus on solutions instead you’re going to be able to overcome obstacles rather than get sidetracked by them.
  6. Grateful. Just like the above, focus on what you’re grateful for rather than being critical of yourself, others and your circumstances. People who practice gratitude have a much more positive outlook than those who don’t.
  7. Spend Money. You’ve heard it before, but you have to spend money to make money. People who focus on producing the best rather than cutting corners and pinching pennies create higher quality results and are more successful in the long run.
  8. Focused. It’s so easy for us to be distracted by social media, television and, quite frankly, other forms of procrastination. If you believe that you have a deserve abundance in your life, you take the time to focus on your work rather than allowing yourself to be distracted by things that aren’t important.
Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.