How Can You Land a Law Job without a Legal Recruiter?

Summary: Job hunting for legal positions can be time consuming and fruitless, but LawCrossing Concierge offers a solution.

Finding a job is a tough task, and for serious candidates, it’s a full-time commitment. Job postings go up daily; and if you don’t search constantly, then you may end up applying late in the game, your resume most likely never seen by the hiring manager. But to be honest here, who has time to devote hours to search and apply? After all, job searching is a numbers game, but for someone with a job looking for something better or someone who doesn’t know exactly where to look, what can they do to find the best legal positions? Even more important, what can they do to save time and achieve the best result—an awesome job?

Traditionally, candidates turn to recruiters or headhunters, but Harrison Barnes of BCG Attorney Search warns that some recruiters care more about filling positions quickly than matching candidates with the right jobs for them. Additionally, legal recruiters don’t fill government, public interest, or academic jobs, so if that’s your goal, then it’s back to the time wasting internet searches again.

Luckily, LawCrossing Concierge saw the need for job search help, and it offers a dynamic solution. For less than $15 a day, job-seekers who apply for the service will receive a personal LawCrossing concierge who will search thousands of legal jobs on their behalf. After finding ones that match your criteria, they will assist you with applying. What makes this service stand out from searching job sites yourself is that LawCrossing has inside knowledge of companies and positions, which means you’ll be more than just a resume and cover letter coming in through an automated service. Plus, LawCrossing does the heavy lifting for you, which means you will save hours from searching, writing letters, and filling out online forms.

Matthew J. was on the legal job search for two years without any luck. He stated that after three weeks using LawCrossing Concierge, they were able to find him a job that fit his needs.

“LawCrossing’s job search and application service is the perfect option for those of us who simply do not have the time to complete the modern time-consuming online applications, once you have already spent hours just trying to find a post that may be a fit for which you are looking,” he stated. “LawCrossing’s professionals will find available jobs in your specified area and undertake the application process for you so that you can focus on your family and your current employment without having to set aside time late at night, weekends or any other time that could be better spent than re-typing everything in your resume and cover letter tailored to each potential employer’s forms.”

For more information about LawCrossing Concierge and to sign up, see their website.

What tips do you recommend to find jobs? Let us know in the comments below.

Teresa Lo: