Categories: Law Life

6 Ways to Get Out of a Funk

Summary: The next time you’re stuck in a funk, try one or more of these ways to get out of it.

The holidays are over, the weather is dreary, and you don’t have much on your calendar to look forward to. This is the time of year when a lot of people are feeling down, out of sorts, or just in a funk. It’s not that you’re depressed, it’s an off-feeling that you just can’t seem to pinpoint. If this sounds like you, don’t get too worried. There are so many ways to get yourself out of a funk, you just have to shake things up a bit. Here are six things to try the next time you’re feeling out of sorts.

  1. Pray or Meditate. Set a timer for 10 minutes, sit somewhere comfortable, and take in the silence. Spend the time either clearing your mind, meditating on a particular verse or affirmation, or praying for the ability to find joy in every day. Pushing pause on a busy day can make a huge difference.
  2. Have a declutter party. Set your timer for 15 minutes and go around your house decluttering and putting things in their rightful place. Clearing off your counters and putting things away can help clear your mind as well.
  3. Create a prioritized “to do” list. Separate out your to do list into three categories: things that have to get done today, things that you’d like to get done today, and things that can be put off until later in the week. Knowing where to start and what can wait for later can help focus your mind and clear away some worries.
  4. Make your bed. It may seem like such a small thing, but in the chaos of life, making your bed first thing in the morning not only cleans up your bedroom and makes you feel a little bit accomplished, but it also makes your bedroom more calming and luxurious feeling when it’s time to go to bed at night. Bonus? Open up those blinds first thing to get some sunlight!
  5. Unplug for a few hours. Let’s admit it – we’re all attached to our electronic devices, sometimes playing on our phones or computers and watching TV all at the same time. Take a few hours away from social media, work, and electronics to spend some real time with the people around you, or even with a good book or craft. You’ll be amazed at how much it can clear your head and help you relax.
  6. Get out of the house. Being cooped up in the office or your house can drive you crazy during these cold months. Get outside, or even out to the mall, and walk around. Move your body, change your environment, and see new people. Getting out of the house is best to do when you least feel like it – you’ll be in a much better mood once you are out.
Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.